Online Free PHP Books for Download

PHP is a widely-used general-purpose server site scripting language that is especially suited for Website development and easily embedded into HTML. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly

You will find hunderds of php programming, web Development and database books on this blog. You can surf through our collection of free online books. I have scoured the internet to bring you an extensive collection of books. I have tried to cover PHP technologies. I feel that this site is still not complete and I am striving hard to improve the site by adding new books for PHP Language/ technology books.

Ruby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers

The web framework Ruby on Rails for developing database based web applications provides a Model-View-Controller framework. The required web server WEBrick is included with Ruby on Rails. The framework is configured with the MySQL database by default, but may be configured with another database.

The book covers developing web applications with Ruby on Rails. Technologies discussed include Ajax, directory services, and web services. A comparison is made with PHP, the most commonly used scripting language for developing web applications.

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